The 10 Traits of the Best Salespeople

What distinguishes the winners from the losers? How do some salespeople get to the final week of the quarter with targets achieved and others facing the final week with dread with work still to do? How do some sales people manage to always get the big deals over the line whilst others fail at the […]

Why it is Essential to Keep Learning in Sales

I am continually inspired by the quote in this image (right). The man who painted one of the worlds most iconic and beautiful buildings still feels at the ripe old age of 87 that he can learn something. It is not just iconic painters who feel like they need to learn. You will see another […]

How to Build an Initial Rapport with your Prospect.

One of the most difficult things to do in sales is to be able to build an initial rapport with the prospect that you’re trying to do business with. This is especially difficult to do if you are engaging on the phone or if you have not met the person before and we all know […]

How To Win Over An Ice Cold Prospect

There is no doubt that it’s very difficult at times to engage with a cold prospect who doesn’t want to warm to what you have to say. Think about it from their perspective. They are regularly interacted with and engaged by salespeople who talk to them and want to sell them a product or service. […]

10 Things to Consider When Appointing a Sales Person

Appointing a sales person is one of the most important hires you can make as a business owner. New customers are the lifeblood of any business and if you are to achieve the grand plans that you have for your company then you will need to bring someone in. Whether they are brought in to […]

3 Lessons Every Sales Person Can Learn From “The Karate Kid”

I was watching one of my all time favourite films, “The Karate Kid” this weekend and the film can of course teach everyone some great lessons in life but I realised that these lessons can also be applied to sales. I believe, taking inspiration from “The Karate Kid” can lead to great sales success.“But how?” […]

3 Ways To Get In Contact With a Hard to Reach Prospect

The first meeting went well, they seemed to like your proposal and you felt that you had built up a great rapport with them, when you spoke and talked about what they were looking for.You agreed a date and time to contact them again to progress things forward and you entered them into your CRM […]

5 Signs You Should Invest in a Sales Mentor

Would you try to learn how to play golf or the piano without someone to teach you? No!So why try to learn one of the most important skills in business without having someone to help you?The business world that we all live in is full of choices. These are the choices you have as a […]

A Prime Example of How NOT to Use Linkedin

There is no doubt that LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful platform in which to try and grow your business.If you have a clear target market that you focus on, LinkedIn provides you with the chance to identify and find prospects that you can engage with. You get the chance to find out a bit more […]