3 Things You Can Do To Avoid Prospect Objections

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In sales, it’s inevitable that we’ll face objections every so often- we can’t win them all! But there are certain things we can do to avoid prospect objections. It requires a little more work initially but trust me, it will pay off further down the line.

Here are 3 things you can do to avoid prospect objections:


If you can be clear about who your target customer is from the start, you’re going to ensure that you go after the right people initially. Doing this will mean you’re less likely to face an objection further down the line. If however, you don’t know who your target customer is, you risk targeting people that won’t be interested in your product or who cannot benefit from your product. This will be a waste of your time and money which could be used on targeting those customer that you can help.


Qualifying your prospects needs is so important in sales and really will help you to avoid prospect objections later down the line. In my DRIVER model, I talk about ‘investigating’ as a key element of the sales process. This means you should ask as many questions as possible to get to know what your prospect is looking for, what problems they are experiencing and how you can solve those problems. The best sales people know that asking the right questions is vital in sales in order to avoid objections and get beneath the surface of their prospect’s challenges. This does two things:

  • It helps both you and your prospect to see whether you’re a good fit and whether you want to work together.
  • It enables you to refer back to their answers later on down the line if they do object to your offer.


If your prospect doesn’t know exactly what they want, it’s going to be a waste of your time to have long meetings with them when you could be concentrating on hotter leads. It can be difficult to say no to a meeting when we’re hungry for a sale. However, be polite and let them know they need to qualify in their own minds exactly what they want before you can help them. Tell them you’re happy to help them further down the line but you need more information from them first. So there are 3 things to do to avoid prospect objections. I talk to my clients about having objection frameworks in place so that when you’re faced with an objection, you know exactly how to respond (check out this video to learn more about objection frameworks). Or, if you’d like assistance to put these in place, contact me here.

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