Email + ? = Higher Chance of Success

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.

If you want my help in growing your sales, let’s connect.

Last week’s blog was popular. Subject lines, email content, and calls to action are all critical elements of how you get your emails to potential buyers opened. If you are new to my site or just didn’t see it, then you’ll find it here.

But email alone won’t work. Or if it does, it will be by pure luck.

Stats show that the average business person gets 88 emails each day so even if you use the suggestions I gave last week, it is still likely that your email won’t be acted on. Sadly in many cases, it will be ignored.

It’s just the nature of how things are. Whilst I would love to think that everyone opens my emails, I know it just doesn’t happen.

It’s why I do 2 things that change your chances of getting engagement from a buyer.

  • The first is to be consistent.
  • The second is to be a bit different.

Let me explain.

Let’s assume that you have followed the outline I suggest of how to engage with buyers. All of my content (either my videos or podcasts) will say the same thing.

You have to be relevant, and engaging and talk about solutions to buyer’s problems or desires.

If you have done that then we are ready to make an impact. But even with a focus on the challenges of your buyer, one email stands a slim chance of a response.

What can increase that chance? Consistency.

Consistency is what gives you an increased chance of getting buyers to notice.

Not just one email but an email every 1 to 2 weeks (depending on your industry and sales cycle) that uses different text and shares different resources is what is required.

Email 1 could outline a specific challenge and share a guide but then Email 2 10 days later could share another challenge and another resource. Then email 3 a further 8 days later can pose a different question.

With each email is a different set of text that is trying to open the door with the buyer.

How consistent should you be? How many emails should you send?

In all honesty, it’s a good number. My record is 11 emails sent over a 6-month period which ultimately resulted in the prospect saying, ok let’s chat.

I know you will be thinking ‘I don’t want to appear pushy’ or ‘a pain in the backside’ but if this is the ideal customer for you and YOU KNOW that you can solve a problem you have then it’s your duty to help them.

How would you feel if you had a big issue which you wanted to solve but the salesperson from a company who could solve it didnt want to speak with you to worry about being a pain?

Would you be frustrated to continue to have the issue even when a potential solution existed?

Buyers don’t like being bothered by salespeople who try and sell without thinking about them. They are interested in salespeople who understand their pain and issues and want to go about helping them solve them.

That is reality.

And it’s why you can’t just rely on one email.

80% of sales are done on the 5th to the 12th interaction so focus on creating effective emails and build yourself a full campaign that can engage with the buyer over a consolidated period of time. Maybe 3 to 6 months.

Continue to share value and be helpful. Continue to educate, inspire, and suggest solutions to challenges the buyer has.

They may not reply (and that’s life) but if you remember the story I shared before Christmas of the sociologist who sent 600 Christmas cards to people he didn’t know, many buyers do believe in the Law of Reciprocity. He got 200-plus people to send him a card back, even though they didn’t know him!

So when we continue to engage over a period of time and offer ideas, insights, and value to buyers, we increase our chances of a response.

I teach the types of emails you should send and what works within courses and as I shared last week, I have a brand new course that I am launching at the end of February which you can join the waiting list for. It’s going to be full of insights that get sales results and get buyers to reply to you.

Replies like the one below.

Knowing how to create intriguing subject lines and compelling messages that drive responses is vital. Doing this alongside consistent emails sent over a period of time increases your chances of getting a result.


As does being different. This is why the customers I am working with right now are LOVING a new prospecting strategy which is getting their prospective buyers to reply.

Buyers who don’t normally (as the image below shows) but who are intrigued by the ‘difference and value’ that this prospecting method offers.

I will share more details on what the different strategy is in the next blog.  Just remember that one off emails rarely work. You need consistency and difference to stand out.

Create compelling emails and send them to a targeted audience on a consistent basis with value and its the path to opening buyer doors.

Combine this with a point of difference and you are in pole position.

What’s this point of difference?

See you on the next blog to find out…



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