“A Prospect Hasn’t Got Back to Me. What Shall I Do?!”

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One of the most frustrating things that happens to us as salespeople is that we have a promising meeting with a prospect, then we follow up and nothing happens.

In this week’s post I’m going to discuss how you can overcome this. Hit play on the video or keep reading!

This question has come in from one of my subscribers; Andrew asked:

“A prospect I thought was really hot hasn’t got back to me when they said they would. What shall I do?”

This is a really common question and something that most salespeople will experience at some point or another. Firstly, let’s look at why this has happened. The chances are, the prospect hasn’t been qualified properly. Qualifying your prospects early on in the sales process is absolutely vital. Use the model BANT, ask the right questions and establish they have the BUDGET, the AUTHORITY, a NEED and establish the TIMEFRAME they’re working to. (Download a document of ’42 Questions to Qualify your Prospects’ at the end of this post!)

If you do all of this and still, you don’t hear back from your prospect, there’s a few techniques I would advise:


Firstly, be persistent– it might be that your prospect is genuinely busy and they simply haven’t had the time to respond to your emails. Continue to gently nudge them and don’t give up until you get an answer.


Secondly, try a different form of communication. Presumably you would have already tried phoning them and emailing them but maybe drop them a direct message on Twitter or LinkedIn.


If you block your time and usually make your calls in the morning with little success, make some time later the following day to try and call your prospect. It might be that the morning is not a good time for them so mix up your schedule to try and get through to them.


Lastly, try asking your prospect if you did anything wrong. Do this as a last resort once you’ve tried to contact them at least 10 times. Doing this can prompt them to get back to you, even if they have changed their mind about working with you. A no is always better than nothing because it means you can move onto the next hot prospect!
I you have any sales questions that you need answering, leave a comment below and your question may feature in my next video!

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