How to become a sales director

So if you’re a salesperson and the opportunity of becoming a Sales Director for your existing company or a new company has come up, you might be thinking, oh I want to go for this role. What are some of the key things that I advise CEOs and Business Owners that I work with on […]

My name is … and I …

Picture this. You are busy working late one evening and a message pops up from a business colleague you get on well with. You pause Netflix and take a look. “Hey (Your Name), why don’t you come along as my guest to the XYZ networking event taking place next month, you will love it! I […]

Resisting the urge

Things are changing in 2 weeks time. Want to be part of the change? Click here to see what’s happening! Many can’t fight the urge. They don’t mean to do it, but just they can’t resist. They often don’t even realise the impact it has had on other people. Especially potential buyers of their solution. […]

The FTM for your Buyer

Around 8 years ago I met my good friend Alexander Seery for the first time. He came down to my old office in Somerset and we talked about his business and what he wanted to achieve. I remember Alex vividly describing his FTM (I won’t share the details as this email gets sent at breakfast […]

The best OBSESSION your business needs

February is a strange month. It’s the shortest, and it’s also the time where many plans and goals for the year usually start to come off the rails. I wanted to share some thoughts on how you can ensure you not only stay on the rails, but that you maximise the value of your great […]


Let me describe the perfect sales scenario for you. Prospect finds out about your company Prospect looks into your company and what you do Prospect buys without having to speak to anyone in your company Wouldn’t business be simple if it always happened that way? No need to hire any salespeople and invest in tools […]

Few do this with buyers

Most people who sell to new buyers have the same boring and ineffective approach. You will have received the same emails as I get. You know the one… Hi James We are an excellent company that delivers excellent services and we would like to chat with you to discuss how we can provide these services […]

Email + ? = Higher Chance of Success

Last week’s blog was popular. Subject lines, email content, and calls to action are all critical elements of how you get your emails to potential buyers opened. If you are new to my site or just didn’t see it, then you’ll find it here. But email alone won’t work. Or if it does, it will […]

1 = 87%

Why did you open this blog? Maybe it’s because you view my blogs regularly and enjoy the ideas I share. Maybe you’re trying out my ideas to see if you think they can help you. Maybe you just saw the title and were curious. The reality is that getting your buyers and customers to open, […]

Show the confidence that (deep down) Buyers want to see

Confidence. It is such a precious trait to have in business and in life. When we feel confident, nothing gets in our way. We can tackle anything. Presentation to a large group of buyers? No problem. Cold call to a potential buyer you have been targeting? No problem. Follow-up conversation to upsell an additional service […]